2017 Membership Priority Survey

Hello Members,

We wanted to thank you again for sharing with us your feedback in our recent survey. The Membership Priority Survey will provide the NCRA/ANREC Staff and the Board of Directors with plenty of guidance in how to proceed moving forward.

The NCRA/ANREC Office combines the input from the Membership Priority Survey, the NCRC Open Space sessions, and direct feedback to staff and board members to ensure that the work we are doing is a true reflection of the needs of our membership.

You can see the attached report prepared by Luke, there are an incredible 69 recommendations made. The NCRA/ANREC staff cannot commit to being able to execute each of them, but we hope to be able to do as many as we can and provide a good explanation for those we can not achieve.
In many cases, we have already begun working some of these key recommendations.

The feedback that you have provided will impact our work in nearly every way. The qualitative responses especially help to give us an insight into the perspectives of our stations. We have heard the feedback regarding the survey itself and will be working to improve that moving forward.

We are really excited to be able to move forward tuned into the right frequency for our campus and community stations.

If you have any other thoughts, ideas, or feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out to us

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