39 Online: Planned Giving for a Small Shop (bequests)

Too busy to get to planned giving? Aren't sure how to actually do it in between special events, direct mail, newsletters, meetings and grants? Having worked in one-Mann shops and as a planned giving specialist, Cathy offers pragmatic tips, a check-list and suggestions to help you make sure planned giving gets the attention it deserves in your fund development program.

Cathy Mann bio:
Cathy is an award-winning fundraising professional, teacher, author and podcaster. Since 2007, as part of Fundraising Lab (previously Cathy Mann & Associates), Cathy has advised multi-level and community-based organizations working in social justice, with youth, in education, with indigenous communities and in healthcare. She led Ryerson University’s Fundraising Management Certificate program as Academic Coordinator for a decade from 2008 to 2018 and taught in the program for 16 years. You can hear Cathy interview Shift Disturbers in Philanthropy on her It Doesn’t Hurt to Ask! podcast.

Cathy is AFP Greater Toronto’s 2018 Outstanding Fundraising Professional. In 2015, Cathy was recognized by Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota for excellence in scholarship. In 2007, under Cathy’s leadership, Frontier College Foundation won the “Excellence In Fundraising for Small Shops Award,” from the International Association of Fundraising Professionals, representing 30,000+ fundraisers from 7 countries.

Cathy is a frequent speaker and writer and occasionally, she plays her ukulele in public.

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