NEWS Wire Service: Collaboration with CUP and ThoughtBlox

November 23, 2018

National Campus and Community Radio Association/l’Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires (“NCRA/ANREC”) and Canadian University Press (“CUP”) are thrilled to announce a six month pilot plan to further sharing of news and information between the radio and journalism sector using CUP’s CUPWire on the Thoughtblox platform.

The goal of the project is to encourage cross-collaboration of members when it comes to news and programming. Each station and newspaper in good standing in their membership now has access to the system. The Wire is a newly developed sharing platform for news and journalistic content. NCRA/ANREC members now have permission to access, use, share and contribute to the content on The Wire platform.

The CUPWire is the oldest student newswire in the world and is now hosted on the Thoughtblox platform. The CUPWire will give all members access to all the stories published by CUP member papers in an easily organized structure. NCRA/ANREC programmers will also be able to share their work. CUP will also be rolling out the Knowledge Net on Thoughtblox in the near future. The Knowledge Net will provide information and training documents and will grow with the collaboration of NCRA/ANREC members.

There is no charge for the system to NCRA/ANREC and CUP members.

Upon the completion of the trial on March 31, 2019, NCRA/ANREC and CUP management will review the collaboration and determine the future of the project.

We highly encourage stations and newspapers to sign-up as soon as possible and look to participate in this amazing opportunity for information distribution and news reporting that is so desperately needed at the local level.

You can signup using this link –…

More information on how to use the system, a walk-thru and doccumentation will be shared shortly but feel free to jump into it! it is pretty intuitive.


The NCRA/ANREC is a not-for-profit national association working to recognize, support, and encourage volunteer-based, non-profit, public-access campus and community-based broadcasters in Canada. We provide advice and advocacy for individual campus/community (“c/c”) stations, and conduct lobbying and policy development initiatives with a view to advancing the role and increasing the effectiveness of our sector. Our goals are to ensure stability and support for individual stations, and to promote the long-term growth and effectiveness of the sector. We currently represent 108 not-for-profit member radio stations


Canadian University Press is a nonprofit cooperative and newswire service owned by student newspapers at post-secondary schools across Canada. Founded in 1938, CUP is the oldest student newswire service in the world and the oldest national student organization in North America. CUP was originally formed to create a network of student newspapers in Canada and to share ideas among student newspapers in Canada. CUP provides benefits to its members including CWA membership, legal support, the chance to participate in pan-Canadian journalism projects and mentorship.