NCRA/ANREC Byelection Announcement – August 8 Deadline


Dear members,


The NCRA/ANREC is conducting a by-election to fill two board seats not filled at the NCRA/ANREC AGM. Member stations are encouraged to nominate a programmer, volunteer, board member or staff member. These seats are for two-year board terms, expiring at the 2025 AGM (Approximately 18 months).


In order to fulfill our bylaw requirements for representation, as laid out in our Leadership Representation Policy and our Elections bylaws, this by-election has four requirements:

  • This by-election can fill two positions on the Board;

  • As we have 5 out of 10 board members currently identifying as male, in order to maintain representation balance, the two successful candidates for this by-election must both identify as non-male gender;

  • As we have 3 out of the required 4 regional representatives on the Board, we must have at least one successful candidate coming from either the North, the Prairies or the Quebec region.

  • As we do not currently have an Indigenous representative on the board, at least one of the successful candidates must be a member from the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples of Canada.


We ask that all stations in good standing to share this call for nominations with your station, staff, board and volunteers and consider the need for diverse representation for the sector.


Please contact if you have any questions about board duties or the election procedure, or if you wish to submit a nomination form.


Voting procedures will be sent out to members after the candidates are announced.


Participation in the by-election as a candidate:


To participate as a candidate in this by-election, you must complete the online nomination form by 4pm ET, August 8th, 2023 (you will need a “seconder”*).  On August 11th, nomination forms will be redistributed by email to all NCRA/ANREC member stations, along with voting details. Members will have until August 18th to submit their vote and the elected representatives will be announced on August 23rd.

*Note – Each candidate needs to be nominated and have the nomination seconded by two people at other member stations. The candidate also must be endorsed by a Staff or Board member at their own station. Please enter the contact information for each endorsement, and the Nominations Committee will reach out to them for verification.


The current board is:

Arbie Fru, CHLY, Pacifc, male (Secretary) (Term ends 2025)

Diana Kirkwood, CJRC, Ontario, female (Nominations Committee) (Term ends 2025)

Luke Smith, CIUT, Ontario, male (Treasurer) (Term ends 2025)

Weadee Mombo, CJAM, Ontario, female (Equity Officer) (Term ends 2025)

Mark Kilfoil, CHSR, Atlantic, male (President) (Term ends 2025)

Adriel Smiley, CJRU, Ontario, male (HR Officer) (Term ends 2024)

Matt Mabee, CINB, Atlantic, male (Vice President) (Term ends 2024)

Rhea Rollman, CHRM, Atlantic, female (Term ends 2024)


Diverse representation

NCRA/ANREC members serve an audience recognized as diverse in ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical and mental ability, and the NCRA/ANREC board of directors must reflect this diversity.  The NCRA/ANREC has implemented a Leadership Representation Policy – approved in 2022 to build on this work.


The NCRA/ANREC strongly encourages applications from women, non-binary individuals, BIPOC, and people with disabilities. We also recognize the underrepresentation of community stations at a board level. The current board disproportionally represents the campus sector.


The NCRA/ANREC recognizes its historic issues with discrimination and tokenism and is actively looking to improve itself as an organization and as a reflection of the diverse nature of c/c radio. Following our ‘They Don’t Come To Us’ report about systemic racism in our sector, we’ve committed to addressing this and are actively working on solutions.  Diversity at a governance level is vital to the development of a healthier and more representative association.


No station can have more than one representative on the NCRA/ANREC Board, with the exception of the Indigenous seat. Therefore, any NCRA member station not represented already is encouraged to put forward a candidate in this by-election.

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