Member Contract / Code of Conduct

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NCRA/ANREC Member Agreement and Code of Conduct 

Approved October 26, 2020 at NCRA/ANREC AGM

 This code of conduct sets out the National Campus and Community Radio Association’s (NCRA/ANREC’s) expectations of member stations. All NCRA/ANREC members must read and sign this code of conduct.

Benefits of NCRA Membership

As a member in good standing with the NCRA-ANREC this agreement entitles the member to far-reaching benefits that include funding streams, learning assets, collaborative discounts and more as outlined in the NCRA/ANREC’s Membership Benefits And Value document.


NCRA/ANREC membership is defined in s 1.10 (“Membership”) of the NCRA/ANREC’s by-laws, available at 

MEMBERS MUST PAY THEIR FEES OR REQUEST AN ALTERNATIVE: All members must pay an annual membership fee, and upon paying, agree to the terms of this membership code of conduct. Failure to pay the membership fee in full without contacting NCRA/ANREC staff may result in suspension or expulsion from the association as per s 1.11.1 (“Discipline of Members”) of the NCRA/ANREC by-laws. If a member is unable to pay their membership fees they must contact NCRA/ANREC staff, who will suggest potential solutions as permitted under the NCRA/ANREC’s membership fees policy and process.

MEMBERS MAY VOTE AND OTHERWISE PARTICIPATE: All members in good standing are encouraged to vote in the NCRA/ANREC’s annual general meeting and NCRA/ANREC byelections, provide feedback in the annual membership priority survey, obtain NCRA/ANREC services, and contribute to committee/volunteer work. 

MEMBERS MUST BE IN GOOD STANDING: Members must have paid their previous year’s annual fees in full to be in good standing and not owe fees for past years. The NCRA/ANREC will contact members when dues are owed or past due.


The NCRA/ANREC will contact members when dues are owed/past due. Members who are 18 months overdue from payment are suspended from membership and will not have access to any services until they are able to return to good standing.

Members who are 3 years overdue with payments will have their membership terminated. A station that has been terminated will have to submit a new application to re-join the NCRA/ANREC, and address all previously-owed fees.


DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES: The NCRA/ANREC defines a member as being an incorporated non-profit corporation, co-operative, or society which has been approved as a member by the NCRA/ANREC board of directors. The NCRA/ANREC recognizes the board of directors of the station as constituting the member. The member’s board must delegate a single representative (“Designated Representative”)  to express its collective will, communicate, and vote on its behalf (see below – COMMUNICATION WITH MEMBERS). The NCRA/ANREC will recognize this representative as representing the member’s board of directors. It is understood that that representative is accountable to the member’s board. If a member wants to change its representative, its board of directors must provide the NCRA/ANREC with signed written notice. The member’s board may also supersede a representative by presenting notice of an approved motion from their board to the NCRA/ANREC. 


If an individual from a station approaches the NCRA/ANREC to request information, resources or support relating to an internal governance or other issue within that member station (in good standing), the NCRA/ANREC staff, Regulatory Affairs Director, or a committee may provide information to that individual. Information provided by the NCRA/ANREC is not legal advice. If there are potential legal issues, the NCRA/ANREC will recommend that they find a lawyer who can advise them. 

The NCRA/ANREC is not liable for any steps member stations take or do not take using the information it provides.


If an individual affiliated to (or recognized by) a member station shares internal information about the station with NCRA/ANREC staff, board, committees, or volunteers, the recipients of that information will not share it with anyone else at that station or any other station unless they have permission from the individual who shared the information.  Examples include but are not limited to:

  1. A staff member approaching the NCRA/ANREC with concerns about their board of directors’ performance.
  2. A board member approaching the NCRA/ANEC with concerns about how volunteers are managed at their station.
  3. A volunteer at a member station approaching the NCRA/ANREC with issues related to programming content at their station.

If the individual who contacts the NCRA/ANREC shares information about alleged illegal activities, the NCRA/ANREC may recommend that the individual address the issue directly (e.g. by contacting police) or request further information before determining appropriate next steps.  The NCRA/ANREC will keep the information confidential to the greatest extent possible unless it is obligated to divulge it in order to avoid facilitating serious criminal activity.


This section addresses information flowing from the NCRA/ANREC to members (through their designated rep); information flowing from the members (from their designated rep) to the NCRA/ANREC; and communication between people in both groups (not necessarily reps).

As noted in section 3, members must have a designated representative who communicates with the NCRA/ANREC staff or board on official matters. It is the responsibility of the member to inform the NCRA/ANREC if their designated representative changes, or if contact information changes. The NCRA/ANREC cannot be held responsible for loss of communication with the member if the member did not update this contact information.

COMMUNICATION WITH NCRA/ANREC STAFF AND BOARD: Members are encouraged to be responsive to communication from NCRA/ANREC staff. Staff will endeavour to be available to members, answer their questions, and assist them. Communication with NCRA/ANREC staff must be courteous and respectful.

NCRA/ANREC staff are generally available from 9am – 5pm EST Monday to Friday, not including statutory holidays and are generally not available outside of those hours. Email or phone is the best way to communicate with staff. It is not appropriate for member stations to contact staff at home, on social media, or outside of these hours unless they have previously consented to be contacted that way. 

Staff can be contacted through the staff page at

Member representatives can get in touch with the NCRA/ANREC Board of Directors through the NCRA/ANREC’s governance page. It is not appropriate for member stations to telephone board members at work or at home without a prior email unless directors have previously consented to be contacted that way. Directors will respond within 72 hours.


Complaints about harassment and other types of complaints relating to NCRA/ANREC events or the association’s managed digital resources must be filed in writing with the NCRA/ANREC’s Equity Officer ​(​ and/or the NCRA/ANREC Executive Director (​ as per the NCRA/ANREC’s Harassment and Complaints Policy.


Information that NCRA/ANREC collects about members or individuals associated with a member station will be retained and used responsibly. Further information can be found in the NCRA/ANREC’s Privacy Policy (which will be linked when approved by the board).  


Members may cancel their membership in the NCRA/ANREC at any time. To do so, they must submit a signed letter and their approved board minutes associated with the decision to the NCRA/ANREC’s Executive Director. Member fees already paid for the current year will not be refunded upon cancellation of membership. 



The NCRA/ANREC Board of Directors may dismiss members with cause. As stated in the NCRA/ANREC by-laws 1.11.1, “The Board shall have authority to suspend or expel any Member from the Corporation for any one or more of the following grounds: i. violating any provision of the articles, by-laws, or written policies of the Corporation; ii. carrying out any conduct which may be detrimental to the Corporation as determined by the Board in its sole discretion; or iii. for any other reason that the Board in its sole and absolute discretion considers to be reasonable, having regard to the purpose of the Corporation.”

This is an outline of the process by which NCRA/ANREC Board of Directors will handle member discipline: 

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Written warning
  3. Suspension of membership for 30 days
  4. Expulsion of a member. 

The member can appeal this decision once to the board of directors, in writing, within 20 days of the notice of expulsion. After that date, the member may no longer appeal the decision. The board will respond within 30 days. 

* Please note, this is a summary only and there is a detailed member discipline policy under development that will be completed shortly and linked here. 


Member Agreement

I have read all clauses included in this membership code of conduct and the appendix, and agree to abide by them.

I understand that all members are encouraged to participate in the NCRA/ANREC’s annual AGM & membership survey, and have at least one representative on the NCRA/ANREC membership listserv.

I agree that the NCRA/ANREC may send my station communication messages via e-mail or mail, and a monthly newsletter, in accordance with CASL requirements.  I may unsubscribe at any time. 

I am signing this document as the official Designated Representative of my station.

Please download and complete the form, or sign by paying your dues via membee.

Name of Organization: ________________________________________________ 

Position Held at Organization: _________________________________________

Printed Name: _______________________________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________