Email Discussion Lists
Get Connected!
As a national organization, the NCRA/ANREC relies on email discussion lists to help our members and other people interested in the sector stay in touch, swap stories and ask for advice. Here’s the full list of lists:
NCRA Mailing List Guidelines
Approved by Policy Committee – March 9 2016.
Membership – Only those who are staff, board or volunteers of a member in good standing may participate in the discussion mailing lists. You may be contacted by staff if your station is not in good standing.
Lists – There is a link to all of the lists that are made available to members here. Please feel free to join and leave lists as you feel fit. You must be a member of the list to post to that list. We ask that you make sure you post questions to the appropriate list. For example, tech questions go to the technical list, not the general mailing list. There is some 600 people on the main list, and questions that are posted to that list are viewed by many people. If you are posting comments or questions that do not suit the needs of that list, you may be banned from posting. If in doubt, ask the Staff and they will get back to you very quickly.
To be Added to an Email List, please contact Barry at the NCRA/ANREC (
*Be friendly and patient*
- We have a number of mailing lists based on various topics, if someone posts a question or comment to the wrong list, please politely direct them to the correct list, they may not be aware of it.
- Avoid aggressive or vague responses.
*Be civil and considerate*
- Disagreement is no excuse for poor conduct or personal attacks. A community where people feel uncomfortable is not a productive one.
- If you would not feel comfortable saying something to a co-worker or acquaintance, it is probably not appropriate on a mailing list either. Conversely, if someone said it to you, how would it make you feel?
- Please do not publish post, distribute or disseminate defamatory, abusive, profane, obscene, threatening or other unlawful materials or information. Our Equity policies and anti-harassment policies also apply to our mailing lists. Please see for further detail.
- Also please do not post commercial messages, engage in persistent off-topic comments, postings or statements, send “Spam” (unsolicited or junk email), or quote personal emails without permission. If in doubt, ask NCRA Staff. If you have received spam or unsolicited email from any of our emails, please notify the staff at the NCRA to rectify.
*Assume good faith*
- Remember that licensing or regulatory questions are often very complex and difficult to assess. If you disagree, please do so politely, by disputing logical errors and factual premises rather than by attacking individuals.
- If something seems outrageous, check that you did not misinterpret it. Ask for clarification, rather than assuming the worst.
*Respect time and attention*
- List members are often busy people. As a result, we value concision and clarity. Emails that are brief and to the point take more time to write, but are repaid many times over when other members of the list make the same effort.
- Conversations should remain focused and on-topic. If you must change the topic, start a new thread by changing the topic line of your emails. Also, avoid flooding the list with long threads by reading the entire thread first, instead of responding quickly to many emails in a short period of time.
- New members are welcome, but should be careful to respect the time and energy of long-time list members by doing research in FAQs and with search engines before asking questions, or by contacting the NCRA staff who are more than able to provide assistance.
*Information from the NCRA Office or Board of Directors*
- We ask that each member has at least one individual who monitors the main mailing list. There is often information posted to that list from NCRA ED, Staff or Board Members that is critical to each station. The Office here maintains its own, independent direct mailing list to its “Head of stations”, but tries to minimize that mailing list. As are result, we encourage every station to keep an eye on the main [ncramembers] list, especially posts from the staff and board as to not miss important information or opportunities. When an email is sent to the mailing list from the staff soliciting feedback, support or examples, we encouraged people to avoid the ‘Reply All’. This minimizes the amount of extra traffic. Of course, we still encourage people to post for a lively debate.
- NCRA Staff also run specified lists. For example, those interested in the National Advertising system must be in order to get that information. is also another list specifically for idea generation and grant deadlines. Contact the staff to be put on those lists.
- There are a few “Hidden” lists that are specific to committee’s, which are not listed in the members list. These are only for those individuals who are actively on the committee. You cannot send a message to those committee e-mail lists and expect it to be read. You need to contact the chair directly if you wish to send information. This can be done by emailing the NCRA Staff.
This code is not exhaustive or complete. It is not a rulebook; it serves to distill our common understanding of a collaborative, shared environment and goals. We expect it to be followed in spirit as much as in the letter. For any clarification on any of the above guidelines please contact the staff.
Failure to observe the code may be grounds for reprimand, probation, or removal from the lists.
If you have concerns about someone’s conduct: You can discuss concerns you have with either the NCRA staff, through the Board Equity Officers or through the NCRA Complaint System.
Version Information:
Drafted by Barry Rooke (ED) from previous rules – September 2015
Reviewed but not approved – Board of Directors – September 2015
Modified and updated – Barry Rooke (ED) – February 2016
Updates Provided for Review – Luke Smith (Membership Coordinator) – February 2016
Updated and Approved – Policy Committee – March 9 2016
NCRA List of List Serves
Mailing Lists: (People who are volunteers, staff and board of our member stations may join, sorry no public allowed)
NCRA Members | | Main mailing list for all of our members, open to any member, staff and volunteers. General information. We ask that at least one person from each station be on this list. |
Atlantic Stations | | A regional mailing list for those stations in that area. We ask that at least one person from each station in the region be on this list. |
Quebec Stations | | A regional mailing list for those stations in that area. We ask that at least one person from each station in the region be on this list. |
Ontario Stations | | A regional mailing list for those stations in that area. We ask that at least one person from each station in the region be on this list. |
North Stations | | A regional mailing list for those stations in that area. We ask that at least one person from each station in the region be on this list. |
Prairies Stations | | A regional mailing list for those stations in that area. We ask that at least one person from each station in the region be on this list. |
Pacific Stations | | A regional mailing list for those stations in that area. We ask that at least one person from each station in the region be on this list. |
Community Stations | | License specific mailing list for those stations with that license We ask that at least one person from each station in this category of license be on this list. |
Campus Stations | | License specific mailing list for those stations with that license We ask that at least one person from each station in this category of license be on this list. |
Aboriginal Stations | | License specific mailing list for those stations with that license We ask that at least one person from each station in this category of license be on this list. |
Sales | | A list is organized for those who have questions/discussions around advertising and if any opportunities arise at a national level, this list will be contacted. |
Fundraising | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussions around fundraising and planning. If any opportunities arise for stations to further develop funding opportunities at a local level, this list will be contacted. |
Programming | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussions around programming, programmers and new opportunities for other stations to receive ideas or syndication. |
Music | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussions around music releases and for charts |
Volunteering | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussions around volunteer systems, challenges and support |
Women | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussions around women in radio including women-specific programming and opportunities |
Gender and Sexual Minorities | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussion around gender and sexual monitories specific programming and opportunities |
Technical | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussion around Tech and Tech solutions in radio including development, design and support |
!earshot | | A list organized for those who complete work with the national charting system of the NCRA |
News | | A list organized for those who have questions/discussions around covering news and news items |
Committees: (Private -Only those invited or have applied and been selected to sit on the committee may join, more information on our committees page)
Board of Directors | | A private list to coordinate the NCRA Board of Directors work |
In Camera Board of Directors | | A private list excusing the NCRA ED to coordinate the NCRA Board of Directors work |
Abilities Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the NCRA disAbilities handbook and the Sub-committee of the Equity committee |
Conference Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the Conference Committee who organizes the annual National Campus and Community Radio Conference |
Equity Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the Equity Committee |
Fundraising and Finance Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the Fundraising and Finance Committee |
Homelessness Marathon Steering Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the annual Homelessness Marathon in February each year |
Human Resources Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the Human Resources Committee |
Indigenous Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the Indigenous Committee |
Regulatory Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the Regulatory Committee (External) |
Technical Advisory Committee | | A semi-private list to coordinate the work of the Technical Advisory Committee, a group that looks at larger scale technical solutions in the industry |
Policy and Governance Committee | | A private list to coordinate the work of the Policy and Governance Committee (Internal) |
Other (Open to the public or supporters)
ED Blog | | An outward sending e-mail list for those who are interested in the Executive Directors “blog” about industry-related issues. Everyone is welcome to join, no discussion. email to join automatically |
Friends of Community Radio | | An outward sending e-mail list for those who support the Friends of Community Radio Program. Membership required |
Newsletter | | An outward sending e-mail list for those interested in getting the monthly NCRA newsletter, who is not on the member’s email list. Everyone is welcome to join, no discussion (CURRENTLY THROUGH Internal Mailing lists) |