Community Radio Awards In Broadcast & Online Now OPEN!

Hello NCRA/ANREC Members

We are excited to announce that we’ve opened up the forms for the Community Radio Awards in Broadcast and Online (CRABO). We have awards available from programming which breaks down barriers, to station’s incredible community engagement along with some of the most amazing music shows in between and much more.

Every year we recognize incredible talent from non-profit stations across Canada. This June at the National Community Radio Conference, we will have our Awards Gala in the evening on Friday the 5th. We will be handing out the awards to the winning stations.

The guidelines are available at our website here, but we wanted to note that programs can only submit once to each award category. Stations can submit multiple programs to the same award category. All audio submissions should be 10 minutes or less. In the past we’ve had people try to submit the exact same audio for a multitude of submission. For further details check out the full guidelines. Or for questions reach out to, or check out our FAQ section.

Best In Student Programming ($500 Award)

Again this year the NCRA/ANREC is sponsoring the Best in Student Programming Award with a $500 bursary for the winner. This is a great way to recognize the incredible work of students emerging in our sector.

You can check out the Winners tab on the to see past winners, and hear clips from the winning submissions.

Please share this with your members and maybe put up some of the promotional fliers around the station! In our experience, only stations that proactively work on submitting to the awards, win the awards. Get involved!

If you have any questions, contact



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